
I am trying to start again. The boys have gone back to school again and I was not ready. Life seems to be going to fast.  They are now in 2nd and 6th grade. Yes, that would be middle school. Wow. I remember 6th grade… I moved to the US at the beginning of 6th grade. Anyway, back to starting again…

I crafted some this summer and as I did I reminded myself that I really enjoy it and need to keep doing it as a stress reliever and well because it is fun. So I am restarting… Here on WordPress instead of typepad. Thanks for following me.

My 7 yr old has the same 2nd grade teacher that my older one had. And I love her. Love her. She makes school fun and everyone wants to go to school everyday! She is smart too… She gives table points for good behavior and at the end of the week, if your table has more than a certain number of points, you get to pick a treat outta the treat jar. Great motivation!

Well I had to decorate up the treat jar…



Easy project… Cut the words and dots from vinyl on my silhouette machine. My silhouette has become a great friend these days. I’ll have to show you some more things it has made soon.

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