Another Elzybells card

You may remember this card from sneak peek week when the Elzybells Friendship collection were about to be announced. Well, I changed it ever so slightly and we actually did it at the Elzybells class last Saturday at Memory Depot. When I first did the card I used a regular old Xacto knife. It was tedious but the end result was worth it. Still not something I would do in a class environment. Well, then the owner of Memory Depot was showing me this new Fiskars tool one day and A HA! I thought I could teach this card.

The tool is called Fiskars Finger Tip Craft Knife. I think it retails for under $5. But the cool thing is that it slips around your index finger and you end up holding it like a pencil. MUCH more control than the old style xacto. Have you tried it?

I now use mine to make masks and such… whenever I want to cut away part of an image, I stamp the image on a post-it note, cut out the part I want to, then stamp however I’m going to, and then store that post-it with my stamps or on my bulletin board for easy access!


Just for Friends – Elzybells Style Card from class

Thanks to all of you that came out to Memory Depot yesterday for the Just for Friends – Elzybells style classes! I had fun and I hope you did too.

I already showed one of the cards we did in this post. Here is another one we did…

Her dress is covered in Art Institute Crystal glitter! Very sparkley! Isn’t that saying one of the best? Celebrate your inner princess…. LOL


Good Things Come in Threes

And can you believe we’re on challenge 4 already??? HOW FAST 2 hours can go when you’re having so much fun. The girls and I can hardly keep up with all the fun!

Jennie is bringing in our party…. Challenge #4 over on for our first ever VMAA….. Did I mention there are prizes? Oh, you can’t play right now? Well you have until 8pm CST tomorrow (Saturday) to enter!

Challenge #4…. Good Things Come in Threes
The idea is to have 3 of something on your card…

Here is my card…

Know anyone having triplets and all boys? 😀

All images, card stock, and ribbon by A Muse

Don’t you love the new stitched ribbon from A Muse?

So, how did you do? Did you get all four done in 30 minutes or less?



Challenge #3 is brought to you by Rhonda. It’s called SKETCH-A-LICIOUS! She created a very cool sketch for all of us to try over on for VMAA!

Here is my card… can you believe it’s the FIRST time I’ve used the polka dot coffee cup! I’ve had it for a long time!

All images and cardstock by A Muse

I colored in with my Copics but then I put used the lemon spica on the dots and a Sakura glaze pen on the cup to make it look ceramic. Here is a close-up:
Are you having fun? Let us know!


You Da Man!

Here it is challenge number #2 brought to you my yours truly! VMAA is underway over on Are you over there playing with us?

When I thought of this challenge, I thought geez it would be nice to get some more ideas for manly cards…. I’m not talking about little boy cards. I’m talking about ADULT Masculine cards. Then I tried stamping… Yikes. What a hard challenge this was for me. I think it’s because I wanted to do a “serious” card. Well, I ended up with two cards… Let me know what you think!

Card #1:
So, I was going for the serious one here. I liked it when I did it and then I slept. And I’m not certain it’s what I was going for. I saw a card done by Mark of Deadbeat Designs (local Texas artist) and he did the road thing that way so I had that in my mind. Problem is that my road doesn’t really go anywhere…. I thought trees would seem “mature” and manly.

All images and cardstock by A Muse

Card #2:
I don’t know a sole that golfs. It seems like engineers golf but I don’t know any. Anyway, I used PENCILS on this to color… haven’t done that in a long time! I used my new pencils…Koh-I-Noor Woodless Colored Pencils
They are one of Linda’s favorite things and they work wonderfully.

All images and cardstock by A Muse

Are you enjoying our first ever VMAA? Let us know what you think!


Don’t Color Me Baby!

Tonight is our first ever VMAA = Virtual Meeting of the A Muse Addicts! And the party has started!!! Are you over there? No, go register and join in the fun!

Up first is Michelle’s challenge…. Don’t Color Me Baby! (know where that is from? ;))

Here’s my card….

I, of course, grabbed my “go-to” stamp… spiral daisy. I *love* that stamp. Last week, I was at Michael’s with a 40% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket so I decided to get my very first Brilliance dew drops – in JEWEL TONES… HELLO? Aren’t those my signature colors?

Look at this shimmer…. ooh, I *love* them. JULIE=> Why didn’t you tell me about these ;)?

Oh, and Michelle, GREAT challenge and I used *purple*. LOL.


FRUSTRATED and behind….

Okay, I’m so dog-gone (insert your own non-preschool, colorful terms here) FRUSTRATED. If you know me in RL, you know that I just can’t stop until I fix the problem. Well, being a SAHM (mom), EMAIL is my link to the world beyond diapers and Pok-e-mon! And this week has been a really quiet email week for me… WHY? BECAUSE APPARENTLY NO ONE HAS RECEIVED ANY OF MY EMAILS SINCE MONDAY????? WHAT????

So, I’ve been working on this all day… and some of last night. I called RoadRunner (my ISP) and then pointed the finger at Mozilla’s Thunderbird (my email reader of choice). Told me to use Outlook Express…. so I tried that. Changed ONE, YES ONE option and now Outlook Express won’t EVEN LOAD for me. I *despise* Microsoft products…. especially today.

More research… and guess WHAT I THINK IT IS? I found documentation to support this – but I’m still testing…. MY SIGNATURE LINE is being blocked by my ISP as spam…. NOT Mozilla you goons….


I copied Heather (who copied me! LOL! THANKS HEATHER!) for this info:

OVER ON THE A Muse Addicts Site…. Tonight we have our FIRST VMAA – virtual meeting of the A Muse Addicts…

9-11pm Eastern
8-10pm Central
7-9pm Mountain
6-8pm Pacific

Wait … what the heck is a VMAA you ask? Every little detail you could ask for can be found on the A Muse Addicts forum:

“VMAA will be a time to test out your stampin’ skilz but more importantly just have FUN with your fellow A Muse buddies. We are going to have some challenges and you’ll have a time limit to do it in. And of course there will be prizes!”

Thanks for listening… OH and if you’re waiting for an email from me or I didn’t respond to something all week…. please resend!

Good grief.

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Behind on so many posts….

So, I’m way behind on posting stuff. My dear friends Rhonda and Jennie have nominated me for stuff and tag me and I haven’t kept up!

First, thing I’m behind on is Rhonda nominated me for the You Make My Day Award. I’m going to cheat and nominate AND tag some people (at the end of my post!)

Thank you so much Rhonda. That is super sweet of you! You make my day, too!

Next, Jennie, nominated this little ol’ blog of mine as E for Excellent. Jennie, that is so nice, coming from you, who has a great blog!

Finally, Rhonda tagged me again… but she promised this tag game wasn’t mean! So, I’ll give it a shot….

Stamping Style – Simple (and elegant, if need be)
Inspiration – JulieHRR… simple and elegant.
Color – Regals… Tanzanite, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, etc.
Work space – I have a stamp room that is currently being reorganized!
Perfect day – Sleep in (don’t all moms say this), play with kids, stamp the rest of the day, go have dinner and watch a movie with DH at the dinner/movie place we love
First job – Social Director at a Nursing Home
Wildest dream – I’m already living it!
Family – DH, 2 boys, 2 papillons (dogs)
Beverage – Diet Coke, Starbucks MOCHA Frappucinos! (bottle kind!), and Mango Margaritas
Biggest challenge – can I say these tag games? oh no, ok… when i was a practicing engineer, being a woman in a industry full of men was more challenging then it should have been.

So, I’m supposed to tag some people to do this… of course, I’m late doing this (as usual)…. So, if you’ve done it already, skip it. If I didn’t list you, please feel free to play along anyway!
